Nature Park Infopoint Hohe Mut Alm
Hands-on high alpine research
At the Hohe Mut Alm you can discover more about the nature of the area. Find out everything you need to know about topics such as glaciers, climate and high alpine research. Take in the views of the mighty glaciers of the Rotmoos and Gaisberg valleys while you’re there.

Nature Park Infopoint in the Hohe Mut Alm
Facts & Information
On 135 m² you can view exhibits on high alpine flora and fauna and learn more about the diversity of Obergurgl landscape. You can even feel real glacier ice up close. A special highlight is an ibex horn that is around 3,500 years old. A total of 10 experience stations give you insights into the latest research on the nature around Gurgl - in a relaxed, playful way.