
Gurgl 1.800 m | 3.080 m

Sun, 06.10.2024

Morning Afternoon
-3°C 8°C
10%Precipitation risk 20%Precipitation risk

Lots of sunshine – Milder temperatures during the day

Gurgl 1.800 m | 3.080 m

Mon, 07.10.2024

Morning Afternoon
3°C 11°C
30%Precipitation risk 20%Precipitation risk

Sun and patches of clouds Foehn-like south wind

Gurgl 1.800 m | 3.080 m

Tue, 08.10.2024

Morning Afternoon
5°C 8°C
40%Precipitation risk 70%Precipitation risk

The next disturbance is approaching from the west

Gurgl 1.800 m | 3.080 m

Wed, 09.10.2024

Morning Afternoon
2°C 8°C
40%Precipitation risk 20%Precipitation risk

Improvement in the weather during the day Gradually becoming sunnier

Gurgl 1.800 m | 3.080 m

Thu, 10.10.2024

Morning Afternoon
4°C 8°C
80%Precipitation risk 70%Precipitation risk

New showers from the west Still relatively mild

Days Preview


Day Outlook

Mostly friendly and slightly warmer! Weak high-pressure influence will bring us sunnier weather during the day after any fog or low stratus clouds clear up. However, there will also be some high-altitude cloud fields passing through, which could become somewhat denser in the afternoon. Temperatures will rise slightly and are generally pleasant in the afternoon.


  Morning Afternoon
Mountain summit3.000 m -2°C 0°C
Mountain2.500 m 4°C 6°C
Obergurgl-Hochgurgl1.930 m / 2.150 m -3°C 8°C


Morning: Moderate

Afternoon: Moderate

Hours of Sun

max. 6 Hours

Precipitation risk

Morning: 10%

Afternoon: 20%

Zero Degree Limit

2900 m