Arrival journey to gurgl
How to get to the valley
Here we have compiled all the travel routes that will take you to Gurgl. You can get to the train station in Ötztal-Bahnhof at the valley entrance in a particularly relaxed and sustainable way by train (daily direct connections). Then the public transport lines continue effortlessly into the valley. Our local mobility offer is truly exemplary: the public buses run in 30-minute intervals and will take you comfortably to your destination. You can reach Ötztal via Inntal by car. Innsbruck Airport is around 50 km away from the valley entrance.

Easily get to your accommodation from the train station or airport.

Travel comfortably & sustainably by public transport throughout the valley.
Can we help you?
In case you have any questions about your itinerary, our service team will be happy to help you: