
Gurgl 1.800 m | 3.080 m

Sat, 27.07.2024

Morning Afternoon
11°C 21°C
0%Precipitation risk 60%Precipitation risk

Sun and clouds - Later heat thunderstorms

Gurgl 1.800 m | 3.080 m

Sun, 28.07.2024

Morning Afternoon
12°C 22°C
60%Precipitation risk 50%Precipitation risk

Changeable weather with a slight cooling

Gurgl 1.800 m | 3.080 m

Mon, 29.07.2024

Morning Afternoon
11°C 23°C
0%Precipitation risk 10%Precipitation risk

High pressure influence again Summer and sunshine

Gurgl 1.800 m | 3.080 m

Tue, 30.07.2024

Morning Afternoon
12°C 23°C
0%Precipitation risk 20%Precipitation risk

Sunny and partly hot Perfect weather for swimming

Gurgl 1.800 m | 3.080 m

Wed, 31.07.2024

Morning Afternoon
13°C 23°C
0%Precipitation risk 30%Precipitation risk

Still high summer conditions Often sunny and hot

Days Preview


Day Outlook

Mostly still very sunny and warm! The sun should initially shine without interruption, and with the help of the still very strong solar radiation, temperatures will rise to high summer levels in the afternoon. As a result, a few cumulus clouds will form over the mountains, and the risk of thunderstorms will increase slightly toward the evening.


  Morning Afternoon
Mountain summit3.000 m 9°C 9°C
Mountain2.500 m 16°C 15°C
Obergurgl-Hochgurgl1.930 m / 2.150 m 11°C 21°C


Morning: Weak

Afternoon: Weak

Hours of Sun

max. 7 Hours

Precipitation risk

Morning: 0%

Afternoon: 60%

Zero Degree Limit

4500 m